Zion’s Company of Women

Zion’s Company of Women is a part of Lana Vawser Ministries - a place for women to speak and to hear, to grow and be blessed.

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2 days ago

True joy is a place of thriving that doesn’t depend on our seasons or circumstances. It is a place rooted in relationship and intimacy. It is Christ’s victory complete in us. God is always working for us and through us, so matter what we are walking, it is never hopeless. Like a mother forgetting the pain of childbirth, through His joy, God is redeeming our past seasons of hurt and pain, He is redeeming the forfeited ground. Jesus poured out His joy and love upon us, and has commanded us to love others with that same love. The strength to do this is only found when we let Him love us first. When we bring our questions and needs to Him first, we allow everything else to be put in its proper place.
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Thursday Jun 20, 2024

Abide: John 15:9-10 — The Same Love
Jesus calls us to ‘abide in Him.’ But what does it truly mean to abide? What is this love that He has given us, and calls us to love in the same way? 
When we can offer only so much? God still delights completely in us. 
Not about what we do.
We love because He first loved…completely overtaken and changed by what He gave to us.
Experience the revelation and encounter of His love, every day.
Let His love nourish you.
It is a command, but also an invitation to rest.
Doing is the overflow of being
His love is the fuel for our first love fire.
FAith works by love
The times when we are struggling with His love the most are the times we must think about it all the more, for His love will empower us to do what He’s asked us to do.
Abiding in His love is warfare.

Thursday Jun 06, 2024

Lana and Courtney felt prompted by the Lord to record and release a special topic podcast. We hope it blesses you. We will continue with our Abide series in the next release.
There has been a call to ascend higher with the Lord, but that ascension is under attack. In Matthew 11v12 Jesus said, ‘...Heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force.’ But what does this mean and how do we outwork it in our everyday lives? In all that we do and in all that comes our way, we must begin from a place of the Lordship of Jesus. It is only from that place we can apprehend the enemy. The more we apprehend (understand) the power of God in us, the more we are able to apprehend (stop) the enemy’s plans. Know Him and know the Word. Keep moving. Eyes on Jesus. Stay humble. Remain as one with Him. God is reminding His people that we are His victorious Bride, and He is calling us to ask the question, ‘What does it look like to live from that ascended place?’

Thursday May 23, 2024

Abide: John 15:5-6 Much Fruit
In this episode, Lana and Courtney get real and honest on the practical outworkings of bearing much fruit. God has chosen to show Himself on the earth through our fruitfulness, and this only comes by abiding. We must remember that the fruit is not produced in our own strength, but is a positional inheritance when we remain in Him. It is a mindset of availability over ability. Even in the pruning and burning there is an invitation: The more we look at Him, the more we become like Him, the more His love flows out of us.

Thursday May 09, 2024

Abide: John 15:7-8 — In His Word
Jesus told His disciples the importance of remaining not only in Him, but in His Word. His Word is the ultimate truth: and so we live and breathe to know Him and hear His voice. When we walk with this singular focus, we bear abundant fruit and grow as mature disciples — and our Heavenly Father is glorified. Join us as Lana and Courtney share some practical tips they've learnt through their own walks in how to abide and remain in His Word: both the written Scriptures and the promises He whispers to our hearts.

Thursday Apr 25, 2024

Abide: John 15:3-4 — Already Cleansed
As Lana and Courtney continue to look at John 15, we see the pruning of the vine, not as a bad thing, but as a cleansing — a healing. Jesus said that He has ALREADY CLEANSED us! And when we understand that we are already forgiven and are totally loved, we can enter into a place of intimacy without judgement. This foundational place is important, as our beliefs shape the way we see and respond to Him. Seeing Him as good is how we bear good fruit. So we choose to remain: continually listening, allowing His love to continually grow us deeper into Him.

Monday Apr 15, 2024

Abide: John 15:1-2 — Lifted Up
Season five of our podcast centres on John 15: ‘I am the Vine, you are the branches.’ Join Courtney and Lana as they look at the pruning process through the lens of a loving Father. When we allow Him to be our gardener, He lovingly lifts our branches out of the dirt, so they might bear fruit. In the process, we must remember that God is for us, and He is pruning so that we can commune with Him in deeper ways. It is an invitation to return to first-love fire: to be a people of power and all He has called us to be.

Wednesday Apr 03, 2024

Jacob’s Ladder #6: From Pillow to Pillar
As Lana and Courtney wrap up the series on Genesis 28, they remind us that through Jesus, we no longer just rely on a visitation, but we are in constant communion with God, with no separation.
There is an invitation for God to live in us. Holiness is an overflow of this indwelling and we move from ascension to consecration. As Jacob set up a pillar to honour God, so we become the pillars. It is here in this moment where Jacob said, ‘the Lord is my God,’ even as he wrestled with the promise. And like Jacob, there is something that is formed in that wrestle, which brings us face to face with the magnitude of what God is speaking. It takes us out of our own strength and into total dependance on God. With a determined heart, we declare that we trust in the truth of His promise.

Thursday Mar 14, 2024

Jacob’s Ladder #5: The Lord is in this Place
As Lana and Courtney journey through the story of Jacob’s Ladder, they come to the verse where Jacob declares, ‘Surely the Lord is in this place and I didn’t even know it.’ This shows us that even ordinary places can become holy places. Places where you have an encounter with God that marks you, and from which you don’t want to leave. Encounters where God turns our face towards His and we see Him eye to eye. It is an invitation to focus: to move forward and to move higher with God.

Friday Mar 01, 2024

Jacob’s Ladder #4: In His Presence
Journey with Lana and Courtney, as they themselves encounter God, even while talking about Jacob’s encounter. In this episode we learn that God’s promise was not dependent on Jacob’s actions, for God declared, “I will…” For He is the great I AM. In Jacob’s brokenness and wayward moments, God reveals His grace, as He is the one who leans in close. And it is there In God’s presence that everything changes. In His presence we can do anything. Through the revelation of who He is, there is birthed a courage and boldness to do all He has asked us to do — a courage to believe in the promise and to dream again.


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