Zion’s Company of Women

Zion’s Company of Women is a part of Lana Vawser Ministries - a place for women to speak and to hear, to grow and be blessed.

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Thursday Feb 15, 2024

Jacob’s Ladder #3: Building the Generations
Lana Vawser and Courtney Kueck discuss verse 14 of Genesis 28. The promise God gave to Jacob in his dream was not just for him, but for the generations. In this new year, God is speaking about legacy and raising up the next generation: a generation who is not weighed down by past religious expectations, but who is also looking to the older generation for guidance. Just as God called Abraham to live face to face with His presence, so should we, as the generations together, make seeking God’s face our priority.

Sunday Feb 04, 2024

Jacob’s Ladder #2: Land and Territories
In Jacob’s dream, God reaffirms the promise that He gave to Abraham — and now to Jacob himself — I will give you this land. As we ascend, in 2024, God is calling us higher with Him. God wants to bring us into a place of rest and wonder, in knowing that He is the God who fulfils His promises, not only to us now, but to the generations. In this episode, Lana and Courtney also speak an encouragement to the mothers and grandmothers who have stood and fought for the promises for their families. We should not underestimate the seeds that we plant. As we dive deeper with God, we are building a heritage for the next generation.
Here is the link to the prophetic word Lana mentions in this podcast. It was first released in 2016 and God highlighted it again to Lana recently.
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While we are a non-profit company we are based in Australia and are not able to offer tax-deductibility.

Thursday Jan 18, 2024

Jacob’s Ladder: The Journey Begins
Lana and Courtney begin an exciting new series on the Biblical story of Jabob’s ladder (Genesis 28). They share how Jacob’s dream at Bethel was the beginning of his rebirth and destiny: and they share the spiritual significance of how that relates to us today. The start of 2024 is the beginning of something important. It is a ‘pillow to pillar’ moment, where we — like Jacob — begin to realize who God is and what He is doing around us. There is a new place of rest: the fruit of encounter and transformation, a place of ascension and birthing. God is re-introducing Himself to us in greater ways — to His power, His love and His nature: where the supernatural is going to become even more natural in the coming year.
To donate to Zion's Company of Women, please feel free to use this link:⁠https://donorbox.org/donate-to-zion-s-company-of-women⁠
While we are a not-for-profit, we are based in Australia and are not able to offer tax-deductibility.

Thursday Jan 04, 2024

Lana and Courtney: 2024 — Come Up Here!
In the first episode of 2024, Lana Vawser and Courtney Kueck bring us some keys for the new year, and share what God has put on their hearts for the next season. In a place where God’s kairos (appointed time) meets our kronos (time), there is a redemption of so many things. God is restoring His promises. He is calling us to ‘look again’ — to come deeper into His heart and to see things how He sees them. There is a hope and wonder, if only we look now and come up higher!

Thursday Dec 14, 2023

Lisa Bruton: Fully Alive — Fully Found
Lisa shares with Lana and Courtney some powerful personal testimonies that show how God relentlessly pursues us. The heart of her story is knowing who the Father is and how much He tenderly loves us. With a focus on Him, we can be free to be authentically ourselves. Free to make mistakes, free to be imperfect — because He doesn’t wait for us to get it all together before He uses us. Even when we feel God is far away, He is always there: and there is power in a simple prayer of ‘Help.’ If we look for Him everywhere, we will find Him.

Thursday Dec 07, 2023

Bianca Serratore: Fully Alive — A Yes in Her Heart.
‘Love driven obedience’ is when we can give God our yes because we know His nature: He is kind, He is loving and He is good. When we know this we can say yes, even when the yes is costly. The more we see God —see His true nature — the more we overflow in that yes. The source of our obedience comes from intimacy, and we become driven by devotion. It is then that we can lay down our gifts and calling and discover His plans are so much bigger and better.

Thursday Nov 30, 2023

Susana Taumoepeau: Fully Alive — Authentic Authenticity
Join us as Susana talks about how she learnt to be honest with herself and honest with God. When we are honest, God can go into the broken places. When we are honest, God can show us who we truly are. When we are honest we discover a part of ourselves that we never knew existed and we feel so free. Romans 5 says, ‘While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.’ While we are in our worst possible place, He still loves us, still wants us. We can bring our masks and our mess to Him. The Bridegroom is coming for His bride. He is coming to awaken us to who we are. We will carry His heart, and other people will be awakened by our awakening.

Thursday Nov 23, 2023

Eloise de Haas: Fully Alive — The Lord’s Redemption
Paul wrote in Romans that God, ‘works all things together for the good.’ The Psalmist declared, ‘I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.’ But how could they say this in the midst of trouble? They trusted in the redemption of the Lord. This is not just the redemption of salvation, or the redemption that we will one day see in Heaven, but the redemptive power that works in our lives now. Redemption that gives beauty for ashes and joy for mourning. In this episode Eloise shares with Courtney and Lana about some real and raw times when she had to intentionally choose to lay down her ashes so God could turn it into beauty. The process is not always easy: sometimes you need to lay the same thing down again and again. In the end, it’s important to remember that the grace and redemption of the Father is not dependent on us, but on Him.

Thursday Nov 16, 2023

Jo Sarah Stanford: Fully Alive — Fully Me
We are who God has made us. A masterpiece. Filled with gifts, talents, hopes and dreams — beyond what we could imagine. Join Lana, Courtney and Jo, as Jo shares some stories about how God took her ‘yes’ and turned it into something incredible. The journey of ‘yes’ is not always easy. It requires trust. This trust is found in the Secret Place — in that place of intimacy with the Lord. And there you realise it’s not so much about the journey, but about the Secret Place itself.

Thursday Nov 09, 2023

Rachael Burton: Fully Alive — Growth
Living fully alive is a daily conversation of trust with the Father. It is learning to live in intimacy as His daughters, and stewarding what He has given us. As we mature, this intimacy changes and matures also. We lay down old methods and structures to grow into a whole new level of encounter. Sometimes this means practising a thankful posture, even in the midst of difficult circumstances; and giving God the authority, instead of taking control. But when we yield our control to Him, we rise in His authority, knowing He is our firm foundation. Here, we can encourage and strengthen others without competition, calling each other deeper into Christ.


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